Algorithmic Complexity and Learnability in German Monolingual Learner Lexicography. A Case Study

  • Alberto Galván-Santana Department of Applied Linguistics, Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), Spain (


This paper analyzes the algorithmic complexity (also known as Kolmogorov complexity or descriptive complexity) of the lemma corpus included in the Wortfamilienwörterbuch der deutschen Gegenwartssprache (WfWG) as a function of its macrostructural arrangement. The results show that, compared to the alphabetical order, the WfWG word-family arrangement produces an algorithmically more compressible, and therefore less complex version of the lemma corpus. This observation points to a higher degree of learnability and cognitive accessibility of the lemma corpus arranged in word families. Keywords: monolingual learner's dictionary, macrostructure, navigation, learnability, algorithmic complexity, compression
How to Cite
Galván-Santana, A. (2024). Algorithmic Complexity and Learnability in German Monolingual Learner Lexicography. A Case Study. Lexikos, 34(1), 166-188.