Die behandeling van die funksie dekodering in verskillende tipes woordeboeke

  • Anna Nel Otto Departement Tale en Letterkunde, Nelson Mandela Universiteit, Port Elizabeth, Suid-Afrika
  • Jadé Blume Departement Tale en Letterkunde, Nelson Mandela Unversiteit, Port Elizabeth, Suid-Afrika


The Treatment of the Function Decoding in Different Types of Dictionaries.Dictionaries are especially consulted for the function of decoding. This article provides a systematic description of the influence that this function has on the dictionary structures and data types in different types of dictionaries. In this discussion attention is paid to structures which appear in both printed and online dictionaries. Although the most important data type for decoding is meaning explanations/translation equivalents in multilingual dictionaries, this article focuses especially on the role of data types such as pronunciation guidance, collocations, labels, illustrations and etymological data. In printed dictionaries there is a resemblance in terms of frame structures (at least a lemma list and usage guidance), data distribution structure and access structure, while differences are more on the level of the macrostructure (quantity of lemmata and different ordering) and microstructure (indicator types and quantity of data).
Comment citer
Otto, A. N., & Blume, J. (2019). Die behandeling van die funksie dekodering in verskillende tipes woordeboeke. Lexikos, 29(1). https://doi.org/10.5788/29-1-1515