Corpus-driven Bantu Lexicography Part 1: Organic Corpus Building for Lusoga

  • Gilles-Maurice de Schryver BantUGent, Department of Languages and Cultures, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium; and Department of African Languages, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa
  • Minah Nabirye BantUGent, Department of Languages and Cultures, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium; and Department of Teacher Education and Development Studies, Kyambogo University, Kampala, Uganda


This article is the first in a trilogy that deals with corpus-driven Bantu lexicography, which is illustrated for Lusoga. The focus here is on the building of a so-called 'organic corpus' from scratch, while the next two instalments will deal with the use of that corpus on the macrostructural and microstructural levels, respectively. Not many detailed descriptions of corpus-building efforts exist for Bantu languages, so each and every step is discussed in detail, paying particular attention to the parameters that have to be taken into account, while not losing sight of the need to log the metadata either.
Comment citer
de Schryver, G.-M., & Nabirye, M. (2018). Corpus-driven Bantu Lexicography Part 1: Organic Corpus Building for Lusoga. Lexikos, 28(1).