How Dictionary Users Choose Senses in Bilingual Dictionary Entries: An Eye-Tracking Study

  • Robert Lew Department of Lexicography and Lexicology, Faculty of English, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Poland
  • Marcin Grzelak
  • Mateusz Leszkowicz Department of Pedeutology, Faculty of Educational Studies, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Poland


We use modern eye-tracking technology to scrutinize the process of sense and equivalent selection in polysemous bilingual entries. Our study subjects, intermediate and advanced Polish learners of English, consulted 26 Polish-to-English dictionary pages prompted with a sentence translation task. Throughout the task, an eye-tracking device unobtrusively recorded their gaze patterns, which are analyzed and discussed. Both successful and unsuccessful searches are examined. Also, we assess the potential of eye-tracking technology in the study of dic­tionary use.
Comment citer
Lew, R., Grzelak, M., & Leszkowicz, M. (2013). How Dictionary Users Choose Senses in Bilingual Dictionary Entries: An Eye-Tracking Study. Lexikos, 23(1).