Another isiXhosa Monolingual Dictionary: A Critical Analysis of the <i>Shuters IsiChazi-magama SesiXhosa</i>

  • Dion Nkomo School of Languages and Literatures: African Language Studies, Rhodes University, Makhanda (Grahamstown), South Africa


This article offers a critical analysis and evaluation of the Shuters IsiChazi-magama SesiXhosa, the second monolingual dictionary in the history of isiXhosa. The analysis draws theoretical and methodological insights from dictionary criticism as a domain of metalexicography and analyses the dictionary in view of existing dictionaries in the language, especially the first monolingual dictionary published under the auspices of the IsiXhosa National Lexicography Unit (XNLU) a decade earlier. Concise paraphrases of meaning are identified as the major strength of this dictionary when compared to its XNLU predecessor. However, inconsistent provision of microstructural entries, an imbalanced macrostructure and a non-integrated front matter reduce the user-friendliness of the dictionary. Nevertheless, another dictionary in isiXhosa produced without the involvement of a National Lexicography Unit is welcome towards the intellectualisation of African languages.


Dion Nkomo, School of Languages and Literatures: African Language Studies, Rhodes University, Makhanda (Grahamstown), South Africa
Nkomo, D. (2021). Another isiXhosa Monolingual Dictionary: A Critical Analysis of the <i>Shuters IsiChazi-magama SesiXhosa</i&gt;. Lexikos, 31(1), 440-467.