Op soek na 'n adekwate linguistiese teorie vir die begronding van die leksikografieteorie en -praktyk --- die kognitiewe grammatika as 'n moontlike alternatief

  • P.H. Swanepoel Dept. Afrikaans, UNISA
Keywords: metalexicography, practical lexicography, theoretical adequacy, cognitive semantics, prototype theory, polysemy, lexicographical definitions, metaphor, metonymy, homonymy, synonymy, motivation


<b>In Search of an Adequate Linguistic Theory for Lexicographical Theory and Praxis --- Cognitive Grammar as a Possible Alternative</b>Various researchers have suggested, and occasionally demonstrated, that cognitive grammar offers a more viable alternative for lexicography than most traditional and structuralist linguistic theories. This paper addresses a number of basic issues in this regard, viz. the role of linguistic theories in lexicography as a scientific praxis, the adequacy of linguistic theories from a lexicographical point of view and the adequacy and viability of cognitive grammar as one such alternative to traditional and structuralist linguistic theories.
How to Cite
Swanepoel, P. (1). Op soek na ’n adekwate linguistiese teorie vir die begronding van die leksikografieteorie en -praktyk --- die kognitiewe grammatika as ’n moontlike alternatief. Lexikos, 2(1). https://doi.org/10.5788/2-1-1135