L.G. de Stadler en Amanda de Stadler (Medewerker). <i>Groot Tesourus van Afrikaans.</i>

  • C. van Schalkwyk Emeritusprofessor, Dept. Linguistiek (Vertaalkunde), Universiteit van Suid-Afrika, Pretoria, Suid-Afrika
Keywords: cography, thesaurus, concept categories, need determination, user-friendly, semantic structure, user guide, computer technology, word processor, conceptual framework, racist, index


De Stadler's <i>Groot Tesourus van Afrikaans</i> is reviewed. Critical questions are examined such as: What is a thesaurus? What is the function of a thesaurus? Who is the typical user of a thesaurus? What is it good for? How should it be compiled? What should be included in it? Does <i>Groot Tesourus van Afrikaans</i> satisfy these criteria?  
How to Cite
van Schalkwyk, C. (1996). L.G. de Stadler en Amanda de Stadler (Medewerker). <i>Groot Tesourus van Afrikaans.</i&gt;. Lexikos, 6(1). https://doi.org/10.5788/6-1-1039