Igor Burkhanov. Lexicography: A Dictionary of Basic Terminology

  • Mohammed H. Heliel Department of English, University of Kuwait, Kuwait


A long-awaited dictionary has at last been published, gomg beyond a glossary of lex~cographic terms (d. Robinson .-1984) or a dictionary of a particular aspect of lexicography (d. Cluver 1989). It IS the first dictionary of basic lexicography terms. In 265 pages Burkhanov gives us a balanced view of the state of the art in dictionary form. It comprises terms typical of lexicographic work, including tenns originally related to different linguistic disciplines.
Heliel, M. H. (1). Igor Burkhanov. Lexicography: A Dictionary of Basic Terminology. Lexikos, 10. https://doi.org/10.5788/10-0-902
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