Terminology Management at the National Language Service

  • Mariëtta Alberts National Language Service, Department of Arts, Culture, Science and Technology, Pretoria, Republic of South Africa


Abstract: Terminology is a strategic resource in a multilingual country. It is the medium through which knowledge and information is disseminated. lhrough the use of correct, standardised terminology, effective scientific and technical communication skills are developed. A brief overview is given of terminology development in South Africa, with special emphasis on the work of the Terminology Division of the National Language Service. Aspects of present terminology practice such as terminology management, the nature of terminology and terminography, and work-flow procedure in a multilingual terminology office receive attention. To present training activities, initiatives and needs attention is also given.Keywords: BILINGUAL, COMMUNICATION SKILLS, DISSEMINATION, DOCUMENTATION, DOMAIN, MULTILINGUAL, SOCIOLINGUISTICS, SOURCE LANGUAGE, STANDARDISATION, STANDARDISED TERMINOLOGY, SUBJECT FIELD, TARGET LANGUAGE, TECHNICAL DICTIONARIES, TECHNICAL LANGUAGE, TERMINOGRAPHER, TERMINOGRAPHY, TERMINOLOGIST, TERMINOLOGY, TERMINOLOGY DEVELOPMENT, TERMINOLOGY MANAGEMENT, TERMINOLOGY PRACTICE, TERMINOLOGY PRINCIPLES, TERMINOLOGY TRAININGOpsomming: Terminologiebestuur by die NasionaleTaaldiens. Tenninologieis'n strategiese bron in 'n meertalige land. Dit is die medium waardeur kennis en inligting veispreiword. Deur die gebruik van korrekte, gestandaardiseerde terrninologie kan eflektiewe wetenskaplikeen tegnologiese kommunikasievermoens ontwikkel word. 'n Kort oorsig word gegee van terminologieontwikkelingin Suid-Afrika, met spesiale klem op die werk van die Terminologieafdelingvan die Nasionale Taaldiens. Aspekte van die huidige terminologiepraktyk soas tenninologiebestuur,die aard van terminologie en terminografie en die werksvloeiprosedure in 'nmeertalige terminologiekantoor ontvang aandag. Aan huidige opleidingsaktiwiteite, -inisiatieween-behoeftes word ook aandag gegee.Sleutelwoorde: BRONTAAL, DISSEMINERING, DOELTAAL, DOKUMENTASIE,DOMEIN, GESTANDAARDISEERDE TERMINOLOGIE, KOMMUNIKASIEVERMOËNS, MEERTALIG,SOSIOLINGUISTIEK, STANDAARDISERING, TERMINOGRAAF, TERMINOGRAFIE,TERMINOLOGIE, TERMINOLOGIEBESTUUR, TERMINOLOGIEONTWIKKELING, TERMINDLOGIEOPLEIDING,TERMINOLOGIEPRAKTYK; TERMINOLOGIESE BEGINSELS, TERMINOLOOG,TWEETALIG, VAKGEBIED, VAKTAAL, VAKWOORDEBOEKE
Alberts, M. (1). Terminology Management at the National Language Service. Lexikos, 10. https://doi.org/10.5788/10-0-897