Online Dictionaries on the Internet: An Overview for the African Languages

  • Gilles-Maurice de Schryver Department of African Languages and Cultures, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium and Department of African Languages, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, Republic of South Africa


Abstract: The main purpose of this research article is rather bold, in that an attempt is made at a comprehensive overview of all currently available African-language Internet dictionaries. Quite surprisingly, a substantial number of such dictionaries is already available, for a large number of languages, with a relatively large number of users. The key characteristics of these dictionaries and various cross-language distributions are expounded on. In a second section the first South African online dictionary interface is introduced. Although compiled by just a small number of scholars, this dictionary contains a world's first in that lexicographic customisation is implemented on various levels in real time on the Internet.Keywords: LEXICOGRAPHY, TERMINOLOGY, DICTIONARIES, INTERNET, ONLINE, LOOK-UP MODE, BROWSE MODE, AFRICAN LANGUAGES, SESOTHO SA LEBOA, SIMULTANEOUS FEEDBACK, FUZZY SF, CUSTOMISATIONSenaganwa: Dipukuntšu tša online tše di lego mo Inthaneteng: Ponokakaretšoya maleme a Afrika. Morero wo mogolo wa taodišwana ye ya nyakišišo ke wo otiilego ka ge teko e dirilwe ka tebelelo ya kakaretšo ye e tletšego go dipukuntšu ka moka tša Inthanetetšeo di šetšego di le gona mo malemeng a Afrika. Sa go makatša ke gore go šetše go na le paloye ntši ya dipukuntšu tše bjalo mo malemeng a mantši gape di na le badiriši ba bantši. Go hlalošwadipharologantšho tše bohlokwa tša dipukuntšu tše le ka moo diphatlalatšo di dirwago ka gonagare ga maleme a mantši a go fapana. Mo karolong ya bobedi go tsebišwa pukuntšu ya online ye elego ya pele gape e lego ya makgonthe ya Afrika Borwa. Le ge e le gore pukuntšu ye e hlamilwe kedirutegi di se kae, e šetše e tšea sefoka lefaseng ka bophara. Se ke ka lebaka la gore pukuntšu ye edirilwe ka tsela yeo e lego gore dilo di ka beakanywa gore di itšweletše ka botšona gomme tšalokela batho ka moka bao ba e dirišago mo Inthaneteng ka yona nako yeo.Mantšu a bohlokwa: TLHAMO YA DIPUKUNTŠU, TLHAMO YA MAREO, DIPUKUNTŠU,INTHANETE, ONLINE, MOKGWA WA GO NYAKA, MOKGWA WA GO LEKOLA,MALEME A AFRIKA, SESOTHO SA LEBOA, SIMULTANEOUS FEEDBACK, FUZZY SF, GOBEAKANYA DILO GORE DI BE KA MOKGWA WO O LEGO GORE O TLA GO LOKELA
de Schryver, G.-M. (1). Online Dictionaries on the Internet: An Overview for the African Languages. Lexikos, 13.
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