Stefan J. Schierholz and Herbert Ernst Wiegand (Editors). Wörterbücher zur Sprach- und Kommunikationswissenschaft (WSK) [Dictionaries of Linguistics and Communication Science]
The WSK series consists of alphabetically organized specialized dictionaries for the subfields of the overall conceptual domain ("linguistics and communication science"). At present 23 volumes have been planned, while additional volumes are envisaged. As can be seen from the following list of dictionaries, the structure of the WSK volumes chiefly follows traditional dispositions. The names of the editors for the volumes whose collaboration is certain are given next to the titles.
Lexicos, L. (1). Stefan J. Schierholz and Herbert Ernst Wiegand (Editors). Wörterbücher zur Sprach- und Kommunikationswissenschaft (WSK) [Dictionaries of Linguistics and Communication Science]. Lexikos, 16.
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