Revising Matumo's Setswana-English-Setswana Dictionary

  • D.J. Prinsloo Department of African Languages, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, Republic of South Africa


Abstract: The aim of this article is to design a revision strategy for the Setswana to English sideof the Setswana–English–Setswana Dictionary compiled by Z.I. Matumo in 1993. An existing generalorganic Setswana corpus as well as a dedicated corpus compiled for the purposes of the revisionwill be used as a basis for macro- and microstructural aspects of the proposed revision. Lemmacandidate lists for inclusion in and omission from the existing dictionary will be generated fromthese corpora, existing articles will be critically analysed and models for revised/updated articleswill be presented. Key components of the revision strategy include the design and use of a multidimensionalRuler and Block System for the measurement and balancing of alphabetical stretchesfor the revised dictionary in terms of time, average length of articles and number of pages peralphabetical category. It is not possible to present all aspects of the revision within the scope of ajournal article but the most prominent ones as well as a selection of typical issues will be dealt with.Keywords: LEXICOGRAPHY, LEMMATISATION, REVISION, INFORMATION RETRIEVAL,MACROSTRUCTURE, MICROSTRUCTURE, RULER, BLOCK SYSTEM, DICTIONARY, AFRICANLANGUAGES, SETSWANA (TSWANA)Opsomming: Hersiening van Matumo se Setswana–English–Setswana Dictionary.Die doel van hierdie artikel is om 'n hersieningstrategie te ontwerp vir die Setswana naEngelse kant van die Setswana–English–Setswana Dictionary wat in 1993 deur Z.I. Matumo saamgestelis. 'n Bestaande algemene Setswanakorpus asook 'n spesifieke korpus wat saamgestel is vir diedoel van die hersiening sal as basis vir mikro- en makrostrukturele aspekte van die voorgesteldehersiening gebruik word. Lemmakandidaatlyste vir insluiting in en weglating uit die bestaandewoordeboek sal vanuit hierdie korpusse gegenereer word, bestaande artikels sal krities ontleedword en modelle vir die hersiene bygewerkte artikels sal aangebied word. Sleutelkomponente vandie hersieningstrategie sluit die ontwerp en gebruik van 'n multi-dimensionele Liniaal en Bloksisteemin vir die meting en balansering van alfabetiese reekse vir die hersiene woordeboek in termevan tyd, gemiddelde lengte van artikels en aantal bladsye per alfabetiese kategorie. Dit is niemoontlik om alle aspekte van die hersiening binne die bestek van 'n tydskrifartikel aan te bied niemaar die vernaamstes, asook 'n aantal tipiese kwessies, sal behandel word.Sleutelwoorde: LEKSIKOGRAFIE, LEMMATISERING, HERSIENING, INLIGTINGSONTSLUITING, MAKROSTRUKTUUR, MIKROSTRUKTUUR,
Comment citer
Prinsloo, D. (1). Revising Matumo’s Setswana-English-Setswana Dictionary. Lexikos, 14.