The Use of Loan Translation as a Term-Creation Strategy in Duramazwi reMimhanzi

  • Gift Mheta Department of Linguistics, University of the Western Cape, Bellville, Republic of South Africa
  • Itai Muhwati Department of African Languages and Literature, University of Zimbabwe, Harare, Zimbabwe


Abstract: The article presents loan translation as one of the key strategies that lexicographers at the African Languages Research Institute (ALRI) employed in the creation of new terminology during the compila-tion of the music dictionary Duramazwi reMimhanzi. Inspired by the authors' keen interest in lexicography and active involvement in the compilation of Duramazwi reMimhanzi, it discusses the advantages and disad-vantages of loan translation. Analysis of this term-creation strategy is done using Chimhundu's (1996) trans-lation and terminology development theory known as the scan and balance theory.
Comment citer
Mheta, G., & Muhwati, I. (1). The Use of Loan Translation as a Term-Creation Strategy in Duramazwi reMimhanzi. Lexikos, 19(1).