The Tshivenḓa-English Ṱahalusamaipfi/Dictionary as a Product of South African Lexicographic Processes
ABSTRACT: The publication of a dictionary is regarded as the result of a lexicographic process. Three subtypes of a lexicographic process have been noted, namely the primary comprehensive, the secondary comprehensive and the dictionary specific lexicographic processes. In South Africa, the three lexicography processes correspond to the respective mandates of the Pan South African Language Board (PanSALB), the National Lexicography Units (NLUs) and the editorial teams involved in the compilation of the specific dictionaries. This hierarchical arrangement of the lexicographic practice is supported by the government within the country's national multilingual policy which was lauded in linguistic and lexicographic circles as a triumph for cultural democracy. It is almost a decade since these planned lexicographic processes have been in place. It seems the right time to consider the products of these South African lexicographic processes which are envied by many foreign lexicographers, especially in Africa. Accordingly, the article evaluates these lexicographic processes with special reference to the Tshivend√a–English T√halusamaipfi/Dictionary. Specifically, it addresses the question: To what extent does this dictionary represent lexicographic development in the indigenous South African languages which were marginalised before the establishment of the NLUs? A few insights are drawn from modern lexicographic theories for the general improvement of future lexicographic practice in languages with limited lexicographic tools such as Venda.OPSOMMING: Die Tshivenda–English Thalusamaipfi / Dictionary as 'n produk van Suid-Afrikaanse leksikografiese prosesse. Die publikasie van 'n woordeboek word beskou as die resultaat van 'n leksikografiese proses. Drie ondersoorte van 'n leksikografiese proses is onderskei, naamlik die primêr omvattende, die sekondêr omvattende en die woordeboek-spesifieke leksikografiese prosesse. In Suid-Afrika stem die drie leksikografiese prosesse ooreen met die onderskeie mandate van die Pan-Suid-Afrikaanse Taalraad (PanSAT), die Nasionale Leksikografie-eenhede (NLE's) en die redaksiespanne betrokke by die samestelling van die bepaalde woordeboeke. Hierdie hiërargiese rangskikking van die leksikografiese praktyk word ondersteun deur die regering binne die land se nasionale veeltalige beleid wat in taalkundige en leksikografiese kringe geloof is as 'n triomf vir kulturele demokrasie. Dit is byna 'n dekade sedert hierdie beplande leksikografiese prosesse in plek is. Dit lyk na die regte tyd om die produkte van hierdie Suid-Afrikaanse leksikografiese prosesse te beskou wat deur baie vreemde leksikograwe, veral in Afrika, beny word. Gevolglik beoordeel die artikel hierdie leksikografiese prosesse met spesiale verwysing na die Tshivenda–English Thalusamaipfi/Dictionary. Dit roer veral die vraag aan: Tot watter mate verteenwoordig hierdie woordeboek leksikografiese ontwikkeling in die inheemse Suid-Afrikaanse tale wat gemarginaliseer is voor die totstandkoming van die NLE's? 'n Aantal insigte word verkry van moderne leksikografiese teorieë vir die algemene verbetering van die toekomstige leksikografiese praktyk in tale met beperkte leksikografiese gereedskap, soos Venda.Sleutelwoorde: LEKSIKOGRAFIESE PROSES, LEKSIKOGRAFIESE BEPLANNING, PANSAT, NASIONALE LEKSIKOGRAFIE-EENHEDE, LEKSIKOGRAFIESE PRAKTYK, METALEKSIKOGRAFIE, WOORDEBOEK, TWEETALIGE WOORDEBOEK, MAKROSTRUKTUUR, MIKROSTRUKTUURCopyright of all material published in Lexikos will be vested in the Board of Directors of the Woordeboek van die Afrikaanse Taal. Authors are free, however, to use their material elsewhere provided that Lexikos (AFRILEX Series) is acknowledged as the original publication source.
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