Moroccorp: tien miljoen woorden uit twee Marokkaans-Nederlandse chatkanalen

  • Tom Ruette KU Leuven, Leuven, België en Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlijn, Duitsland
  • Freek Van de Velde KU Leuven, Leuven, België en FWO-Vlaanderen, België


Moroccorp: Ten Million Words from two Moroccan Dutch Chat Chan­nels.In this article we introduce a new corpus of computer-mediated communication in Dutch by Maroccan-Dutch language users, consisting of ten million words of chat material. We treat the background, the compilation method and the inner structure of the corpus, and we relate our efforts to previous attempts to build a corpus of Dutch chat language. We also conducted a Stable Lexical Marker analysis and a case study on a well-known morphosyntactic feature of Moroc­can Dutch to assess in this manner the representativity of the corpus.
Comment citer
Ruette, T., & Van de Velde, F. (2013). Moroccorp: tien miljoen woorden uit twee Marokkaans-Nederlandse chatkanalen. Lexikos, 23(1).
Korpusse / Corpora