Duramazwi reDudziramutauro neUvaranomwe against the Background of Shona Lexicography

  • Gift Mheta Department of Linguistics, University of the Western Cape, Bellville, Republic of South Africa
  • Maxwell Kadenge Department of Linguistics, School of Literature and Language Studies, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, Republic of South Africa


Abstract: This article considers and analyses Duramazwi reDudziramutauro neUvaranomwe (henceforth DRU), a 2007 product of the University of Zimbabwe's African Languages Research Institute (ALRI). It evaluates DRU which is the first terminological dictionary dealing with Shona literary and linguistic terms. Furthermore it traces the compilation process of this dictionary, describing the stages of collection, selection, entry and definition of terms. It also examines the microstructure and the macrostructure of DRU aimed at target users who are both students and teachers in high schools and tertiary institutions offering Shona as a subject or course.
Mheta, G., & Kadenge, M. (1). Duramazwi reDudziramutauro neUvaranomwe against the Background of Shona Lexicography. Lexikos, 19(1). https://doi.org/10.5788/19-1-185