More than Twenty Years of Svensén's Handbook

  • Loránd-Levente Pálfi Centre for Lexicography, Aarhus School of Business, University of Aarhus, Denmark


ABSTRACT: The number of real handbooks dealing with lexicography and metalexicography is not, and has never been, impressive. When one looks at comprehensive handbooks and in addition those brought up to date, the number becomes even smaller. Because of this, but also because it has existed for more than 20 years (i.e. in different editions/versions) and because it is — especially in Scandinavia — a quite well-known work, Svensén's handbook is an important publication. In this review article, I will consider what the critics have written over the years (i.e. on the different editions/ versions of Svensén's handbook), and I will attempt to determine whether the book is about to become a classic.OPSOMMING: Meer as twintig jaar van Svensén se handboek. Die aantal werklike handboeke wat die leksikografie en die metaleksikografie behandel, is nie en was nog nooit indrukwekkend nie. Wanneer 'n mens na omvattende handboeke kyk en daarby dié wat bygewerk is, word die aantal selfs kleiner. Om dié rede, maar ook omdat dit vir meer as 20 jaar bestaan (d.w.s. in verskillende uitgawes/bewerkings) en omdat dit — veral in Skandinawië — 'n redelik welbekende werk is, is Svensén se handboek 'n belangrike publikasie. In hierdie resensieartikel sal ek oorweeg wat die kritici oor die jare geskryf het (d.w.s. oor die verskillende uitgawes/bewerkings van Svensén se handboek), en sal ek probeer bepaal of die boek besig is om 'n klassieke werk te word.Sleutelwoorde: LEKSIKOGRAFIE, METALEKSIKOGRAFIE, HANDBOEKE, VAKKUNDIGE RESENSERING, AANHALINGS, A HANDBOOK OF LEXICOGRAPHY, BO SVENSÉN, THE ART AND CRAFT OF LEXICOGRAPHY, SIDNEY I. LANDAU, MANUAL OF LEXICOGRAPHY, LADISLAV ZGUSTA
Pálfi, L.-L. (2011). More than Twenty Years of Svensén’s Handbook. Lexikos, 20.
Resensieartikels/Review Articles