Report on the SALEX '97 Lexicographical Training Course, Grahamstown, 15-27 September 1997

  • Penny Silva Dictionary Unit for South African English, Grahamstown, South Africa
Keywords: south africa, lexicography, training, salex, corpus, african languages, language-independent, project planning, dictionary compilation


The report describes the background to the SALEX '97 Lexicographical Training Course, and the reasons for its conception. It explains the constraints within which the course had to be designed, and lists its practical and theoretical aims. The financing of the course, the range of participants attending, the structure of the working day, and the course materials provided to participants are described. The report ends with excerpts from evaluations provided by participants, and with a reference to the second planned training course, SALEX '98. The simple initial framework upon which the course was based is provided as an Appendix. 
How to Cite
Silva, P. (1998). Report on the SALEX ’97 Lexicographical Training Course, Grahamstown, 15-27 September 1997. Lexikos, 8(1).
Verslae / Reports