Planning and Management – the Most Neglected Activities in Lexicography

  • D.J. van Schalkwyk Planning and Management – the Most Neglected Activities in LexicographyBureau of the Woordeboek van die Afrikaanse Taal, Stellenbosch, Republic of South Africa
Keywords: planning, management, mission statement, strategic focus areas, performance areas, situational description, internal environment, external environment, environmental analysis, restricting factors, supporting factors, environmental tendencies, scenario, f


Lexicography has a long history of ineffective planning and inefficient management. This article applies the methods of general planning and management to the planning and management of a lexicographic unit.<b>Keywords:</b> planning; management; mission statement; strategic focus areas; performance areas; situational description; internal environment; external environment; environmental analysis; restricting factors; supporting factors; environmental tendencies; scenario; future strategic position; goals; action plan; production management; management system
How to Cite
van Schalkwyk, D. (1999). Planning and Management – the Most Neglected Activities in Lexicography. Lexikos, 9(1).