Needs-adapted Data Presentation in e-Information Tools

  • Henning Bergenholtz Centre for Lexicography Aarhus School of Business Aarhus Denmark and extraordinary professor, Department of Information Science University of Pretoria Pretoria South Africa
  • Theo J.D. Bothma Department of Information Science University of Pretoria Pretoria South Africa and visiting professor, Centre for Lexicography Aarhus School of Business Aarhus Denmark
Keywords: lexicography, function theory, information tool, dictionary, fixed expression, information overload, information stress, user needs, complex user situation, context, cognitive situation, communicative situation, operative situation, interpretative situati


In the current debate about the status of lexicography there are at least three quite different opinions: (i) Lexicography does not have or need any kind of own theory but can use all relevant linguistic theories. (ii) Lexicography needs a special theory for the lexicographical praxis, but this discipline is still a part of linguistics. (iii) Lexicography is a genuine part of information science and can use theories and learn from practice in the information society, but it also needs special theories for lexicography.It is the third opinion we will maintain in this paper by discussing the information needs in the information society and partly using the function theory of lexicography.Keywords: lexicography; function theory; information tool; dictionary; fixed expression; information overload; information stress; user needs; complex user situation; context; cognitive situation; communicative situation; operative situation; interpretative situation; monofunctional information tool; polyfunctional information tool; integrated information tool; database; data presentation
How to Cite
Bergenholtz, H., & Bothma, T. J. (2011). Needs-adapted Data Presentation in e-Information Tools. Lexikos, 21(1).