Leksikografiese behoeftevervulling

  • Rufus H. Gouws Departement Afrikaans en Nederlands, Universiteit van Stellenbosch, Suid-Afrika
Keywords: dictionary, dictionary criticism, dictionary culture, dictionary typology, dictionary use, fulfilment of needs, general theory of lexicography, history of dictionaries, lexicography, metalexicography, user-friendliness


<b>Meeting Lexicographic Needs</b> A multilingual and multicultural South Africa has its own lexicographic needs and the fulfilment of these needs demands thorough planning and the employment of a sound and effective organisational theory. This paper focuses on a few priorities to meet the South African lexicographic needs. The contents of a dictionary as well as the presentation of the information should be directed at a well-defined target user. Not only the linguistic needs of this target user but also his research skills should have an influence on the planning and compilation of any specific dictionary. Using a metalexicographic model this paper discusses different aspects of interest in determining priorities for the fulfilment of lexicographic needs. Lexicographers have to be familiar with components like dictionary use, dictionary criticism, the history of dictionaries and a general theory of lexicography. The importance of planning and a sound training is emphasised. Training should not only be aimed at lexicographers but also at dictionary users. It is easier to achieve the meeting of lexicographic needs in an environment where a well-established dictionary culture exists. 
How to Cite
Gouws, R. H. (1996). Leksikografiese behoeftevervulling. Lexikos, 6(1). https://doi.org/10.5788/6-1-1031
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