Die <i>WAT</i> en etimologie: Word die kringloop voltooi?

  • Willem Botha Buro van die Woordeboek van die Afrikaanse Taal, Stellenbosch, Suid-Afrika
Keywords: etymology, etymological dictionary, historical lexicography, outside-authors, satellite projects, secondary etymological sources, synchronic dictionary


<b>The <i>WAT</i> and etymology: Will the cycle be completed?</b> Afrikaans historical lexicography is a neglected discipline and to a large extent metalexicographers hold the overall-descriptive Afrikaans dictionary, Die <i>Woordeboek van die Afrikaanse Taal</i>, responsible for this state of affairs. The <i>WAT</i>, however, describes itself as a synchronic dictionary aimed at describing the present usage of Afrikaans. Limited etymological information is included. Ironically it was the ideal of the first editor of the <i>WAT</i> that it should contain concise etymological information on the whole of the Afrikaans lexicon. This task however, proved to be well beyond his reach and future editors did not believe a historical description of Afrikaans to be the aim of the synchronic <i>WAT</i>. Practical proposals are made for the satisfactory presentation of etymological information on the Afrikaans lexicon. 
How to Cite
Botha, W. (1996). Die <i>WAT</i&gt; en etimologie: Word die kringloop voltooi?. Lexikos, 6(1). https://doi.org/10.5788/6-1-1030
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