Considering a Lexicographic Plan for Gabon within the Gabonese Language Landscape

  • Hugues Steve Ndinga-Koumba-Binza Stellenbosch University Centre for Language and Speech Technology (SU-CLaST), Stellenbosch


ABSTRACT: This article raises a number of questions that should be dealt with in drawing up a lexicographic plan for Gabon. For which of the Gabonese languages should lexicographic units be established? This question entrains the issue of inventorying the Gabonese languages and their standardization as well as the issue of language planning for Gabon. What is the status of those foreign languages widely spoken in Gabon? What about French? Should Gabon keep importing its French dictionaries from France, or should the Gabonese compile their own French dictionaries, including French words and expressions exclusively used in Gabon? Finally, after trying to answer these questions, a number of suggestions are made for the establishment of a lexicographic plan for Gabon.Keywords: GABONESE LANGUAGE LANDSCAPE (GLL), LEXICOGRAPHIC PLAN FOR GABON, LANGUAGE DIVERSITY, LANGUAGE POLICY, LANGUAGE STANDARDIZATION, GABONESE LEXICOGRAPHY, NATIONAL LANGUAGE, NATIVE LANGUAGES, FOREIGN LANGUAGES*****OPSOMMING: Die oorweging van 'n leksikografiese plan vir Gaboen binne die Gaboenese taallandskap. Hierdie artikel bring 'n aantal vrae ter sprake waaraan aan-dag gegee moet word by die opstel van 'n leksikografiese plan vir Gaboen. Vir watter Gaboenese tale moet leksikografiese eenhede gestig word? Hierdie vraag bring die kwessie van die inventari-sering van die Gaboenese tale en hul standaardisering ter sprake, asook die kwessie van taalbe-planning vir Gaboen. Wat is die status van daardie vreemde tale wat algemeen in Gaboen gepraat word? Wat van Frans? Moet Gaboen voortgaan om sy Franse woordeboeke uit Frankryk in te voer, of moet hy sy eie Franse woordeboeke saamstel, met insluiting van Franse woorde en uitdrukkings wat uitsluitlik in Gaboen gebruik word? Ten slotte, nadat geprobeer is om hierdie vrae te beant-woord, word 'n aantal voorstelle gemaak vir die totstandbrenging van 'n leksikografiese plan vir Gaboen.Sleutelwoorde: GABOENESE TAALLANDSKAP (GTL), LEKSIKOGRAFIESE PLAN VIR GABOEN, TAALVERSKEIDENHEID, TAALBELEID, TAALSTANDAARDISERING, GABOENE-SE LEKSIKOGRAFIE, LANDSTAAL, INHEEMSE TALE, VREEMDE TALE
How to Cite
Ndinga-Koumba-Binza, H. S. (2005). Considering a Lexicographic Plan for Gabon within the Gabonese Language Landscape. Lexikos, 15.