Lexicography versus Terminography

  • Mariëtta Alberts Terminology Division, National Language Service, Department of Arts, Culture, Science and Technology, Pretoria, Republic of South Africa


Abstract: Lexicography and terminography are specialised professions concerned with the compilation and editing of dictionaries. The lexicographer documents the words in the vocabulary of the general language whereas the terminographer documents the terminology of specific subject fields and domains. The terminographer works with a more restricted register than the general lexicographer, but from a holistic point of view, general lexicography and terminography are on a continuum where only the nature of the defined words or terms differs. The conceptual system of the sciences is more systematic and exact than that of the general environment. It is for this reason that nowadays the target group of a particular dictionary determines its format and content. A definition remains extremely important, since it describes the meaning of words and terms and serves to standardise the terms, especially in scientific and technical language. This article concerns itself with the similarities between lexicography and terminography, aspects regarding lexicography as a profession are outlined, followed by a discussion of terminography, and in conclusion attention is drawn to the differences between the two professions.Keywords: COMPILE, CONCEPTUAL SYSTEM, DESCRIPTIVE APPROACH, DICTIONARY, DOMAIN, EXCERPTION, GENERAL LEXICOGRAPHER, LEXICOGRAPHER, LEXICOGRAPHY, LINGUIST, PRESCRIPTIVE APPROACH, SUBJECT SPECIALIST, SUBJECT FIELD, TARGET GROUP, TERM, TERMINOGRAPHER, TERMINOGRAPHY, TERMINOLOGY, VOCABULARY, WORDOpsomming: Leksikografie teenoor terminografie. Leksikografie en terminografieis gespesialiseerde beroepe wat hul besig hou met die samestelling en redigering van woordeboeke.Die leksikograaf dokumenteer die woorde in die woordeskat van die algemene taal terwyldie terminograaf die terminologie van spesifieke vakgebiede en terreine dokumenteer. Die terminograafwerk met 'n beperkter register as die algemene leksikograaf, maar vanuit 'n holistiesestandpunt beskou, lê die algemene leksikografie en die terminografie op 'n kontinuum waar slegsdie aard van die gedefinieerde woorde of terme verskil. Die begrippesisteem van die wetenskappeis meer sistematies en eksak as dié van die algemene omgewing. Dit is om hierdie rede dat dieteikengroep van 'n bepaalde woordeboek deesdae sy formaat en inhoud bepaal. 'n Definisie blyuiters belangrik aangesien dit die betekenis van woorde en terme beskryf en dien om die terme te standaardiseer, veral in wetenskaplike en tegniese taal. Hierdie artikel hou hom besig met die ooreenkomstetussen leksikografie en terminografie, aspekte rakende leksikografie as beroep wordgeskets, gevolg deur 'n bespreking van terminografie, en ter afsluiting word die aandag gevestigop die verskille tussen die twee beroepe.Sleutelwoorde: ALGEMENE LEKSIKOGRAAF, BEGRIPPESISTEEM, DESKRIPTIEWEBENADERING, EKSERPERING, LEKSIKOGRAAF, LEKSIKOGRAFIE, LINGUIS, PRESKRIPTIEWEBENADERING, SAAMSTEL, TEIKENGROEP, TERM, TERMINOGRAAF, TERMINOGRAFIE,TERMINOLOGIE, TERREIN, VAKGEBIED, VAKSPESIALIS, WOORD, WOORDEBOEK,WOORDESKAT
Comment citer
Alberts, M. (1). Lexicography versus Terminography. Lexikos, 11. https://doi.org/10.5788/11-0-840
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