Juan C. Sager (Selector and Editor). Essays on Definition

  • Piet H. Swanepoel Department of Afrikaans and Theory of Literature, University of South Africa (UNISA), Pretoria, Republic of South Africa


This publication is volume 4 in John Benjamins' series Terminology and Lexi-cography Research and Practice. It contains a "Preface" and an introductory essay "Defining Definition" (pp. 1-4) by Alain Rey. This is followed by a collection of texts, selected and edited by Juan Sager, which examine various aspects of definition from the point of view of philosophy.
How to Cite
Swanepoel, P. H. (2003). Juan C. Sager (Selector and Editor). Essays on Definition. Lexikos, 13. https://doi.org/10.5788/13-0-747
Resensies / Reviews