Ulrike Rothe. Das einsprachige Wörterbuch in seinem soziokulturellen Kontext: Gesellschaftliche und sprachwissenschaftliche Aspekte in der Lexikographie des Englischen und des Französischen

  • Maria Smit Department of Music, University of Stellenbosch, Stellenbosch, Republic of South Africa


The main title of this work might be a bit misleading, because it creates the impression that a very wide and general topic will be discussed. The subtitle, however, is much more to the point, since the author specifically investigates English and French monolingual dictionaries in view of certain aspects. The author makes it clear (2001: 210) that she does not want to describe general "influences" of a socio-cultural nature on the contents of dictionaries, but rather how socio-cultural trends and traditions had an impact on the methodological aspects of lexicography in Britain and France. This means that generalisation for other languages will only be possible after further in-depth studies.
How to Cite
Smit, M. (2003). Ulrike Rothe. Das einsprachige Wörterbuch in seinem soziokulturellen Kontext: Gesellschaftliche und sprachwissenschaftliche Aspekte in der Lexikographie des Englischen und des Französischen. Lexikos, 13. https://doi.org/10.5788/13-0-746
Resensies / Reviews