Reino Ottermann en / and Maria Smit, Hoofredakteurs / Chief editors, bygestaan deur / assisted by Izak Grové, Winfried Lüdemann, Heinrich van der Mescht en / and Caroline van Niekerk. Suid-Afrikaanse Musiekwoordeboek/South African Music Dictionary.

  • George King Department of Art History, Visual Arts and Musicology, University of South Africa (UNISA), Pretoria, Republic of South Africa
  • Carol Steyn Department of Art History, Visual Arts and Musicology, University of South Africa (UNISA), Pretoria, Republic of South Africa


In the nearly thirty years since the publication of the Vaktaalburo's pioneering bilingual Musiekwoordeboek/Dictionary of Music (1973) there has been a marked transformation both in terms of musical ontologies generally and the identity of the South African nation-state in particular. On the one hand Philip Bohlman (1999: 17) has neatly pointed out in his contribution to the anthology of essays entitled Rethinking Music that 'music may be what we think it is: it may not be', while on the other hand Sabine Marschall (2002: 117) reminds us that 'nations are not naturally in place but are invented and in need of constant mainte-nance'.
How to Cite
King, G., & Steyn, C. (2003). Reino Ottermann en / and Maria Smit, Hoofredakteurs / Chief editors, bygestaan deur / assisted by Izak Grové, Winfried Lüdemann, Heinrich van der Mescht en / and Caroline van Niekerk. Suid-Afrikaanse Musiekwoordeboek/South African Music Dictionary. Lexikos, 13.
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