Monika Elisabeth Bründl. Lexikalische Dynamik: Kognitiv-linguistische Untersuchungen am englischen Computerwortschatz

  • Michael Klotz Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Erlangen, Germany


Nowhere is the dynamic character of the English lexicon more apparent than in the case of computer vocabulary. Elisabeth Bründl's study investigates this field with two aims in mind (as pointed out in chapter one): firstly, the author wants to find out which principles underlie the creation of words in this field; secondly, her study aims at the integration of cognitive insights into the tradi-tional field of lexicology.
How to Cite
Klotz, M. (2003). Monika Elisabeth Bründl. Lexikalische Dynamik: Kognitiv-linguistische Untersuchungen am englischen Computerwortschatz. Lexikos, 13.
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