Ou wyn in nuwe sakke: 'n Kritiese waardering van Bijbels lexicon

  • Anna Nel Otto Departement Afrikaans, Universiteit Vista, Port Elizabeth, Republiek van Suid-Afrika


Opsomming: Bijbels lexicon is 'n Nederlandse leksikon wat woorde en uitdrukkings bevat wat aan die Bybel ontleen is en wat ná 1945 nog bekend was. Die teikengebruikers van hierdie leksikon is waarskynlik persone wat graag die Bybel lees en diegene wat belangstel in die oor-sprong en agtergrond van die Nederlandse taal. Die inleiding tot die leksikon bevat baie inligting, onder andere oor hoe die leksikon saamgestel is, 'n uiteensetting van tipes leksikale items en motivering vir lemmakeuses en tydvak wat gedek word, hoe om leksikale items na te slaan, ens. Selfs niegelowiges sal die leksikon kan gebruik, aangesien die inleiding ook agtergrondsinligting in blokvorm bevat, nl. 'n uiteensetting van die inhoud van die Bybel, en inligting oor Nederlandse Bybelvertalings, spreekwoordversamelings en Bybelse name. Die voordele van hierdie leksikon is dat dit slegs huidige gebruiksvoorbeelde bevat en daarom dus neologismes en veranderde betekenisse akkommodeer. Hoewel die outeurs in enkele gevalle afwyk van die terminologie vir verskillende tipes leksikale items, soos deur hulle self omskryf, is die hantering van woordeboekartikels oor die algemeen baie konsekwent en inligting is maklik toeganklik. Die waarde van die leksikon sou moontlik verder verhoog kon word deur die gebruik van meer kruisverwysings.Sleutelwoorde: BETEKENIS, BYBEL, EIENAAM, HEDENDAAGSE GEBRUIK, HER-KOMS, LEKSIKOGRAFIE, LEKSIKON, NEDERLANDS, NEOLOGISME, SITAAT, SPREEK-WOORD, VASTE UITDRUKKINGAbstract: Old Wine in New Bottles: A Critical Appreciation of Bijbels lexicon. Bijbels lexicon is a Dutch lexicon which includes words and fixed expressions which have been borrowed from the Bible and which were still known after 1945. The target users of this lexicon are probably people who are fond of reading the Bible and those who are interested in the origin and background of the Dutch language. The introduction to the dictionary contains much information, inter alia on how the lexicon is structured, an exposition of different types of lexical items and motivation for the choice of lemmata and period covered, on how to look up lexical items, etc. Even non-believers could use the lexicon, as the introduction also contains background information in block format, i.e. an exposition of the content of the Bible, and information on Dutch Bible translations, proverb collections and Bible names. The benefits of this lexicon are that it includes only examples of current usage and as such accommodates neologisms and changed meanings. Although the authors sometimes divert from the terminology for different types of lexical items, as defined by themselves, the treatment of dic-tionary articles is generally very consistent and information is easily accessible. The value of the lexicon could possibly be enhanced by using more cross-references.Keywords: BIBLE, CITATION, CURRENT USAGE, DUTCH, FIXED EXPRESSION, LEXI-COGRAPHY, LEXICON, MEANING, NEOLOGISM, ORIGIN, PROPER NAME, PROVERB
How to Cite
Otto, A. N. (2003). Ou wyn in nuwe sakke: ’n Kritiese waardering van Bijbels lexicon. Lexikos, 13. https://doi.org/10.5788/13-0-738
Resensieartikels/Review Articles