Rita Temmerman. Towards New Ways of Terminology Description: The Sociocognitive Approach

  • Rosemarie Gläser Dresden, Germany


This book appeared as Volume 3 in the Series Terminology and Lexicography Research and Practice edited by Helmi Sonneveld and Sue-Ellen Wright. The author, Rita Temmerman, presently working at the Erasmus Hogeschool, Brussels and specialising in problems of terminology in various domains of the life sciences, presents a polemical, stimulating and innovative monograph which continues and deepens her previous research work. Her doctoral dissertation (Louvain 1998) focused on Terminology Beyond Standardisation: Language and Categorisation in the Life Sciences. The aim of the book under review, Towards New Ways of Terminology Description: The Sociocognitive Approach, is to elaborate a new theory, method and application of terminology research which seeks to overcome the obvious limitations of traditional terminology as chiefly represented by the Vienna School (Eugen W?ster, Helmut Felber, Infoterm and associated institutions).
How to Cite
Gläser, R. (2004). Rita Temmerman. Towards New Ways of Terminology Description: The Sociocognitive Approach. Lexikos, 14. https://doi.org/10.5788/14-0-709
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