Kyo Kageura. The Dynamics of Terminology: A Descriptive Theory of Term Formation and Terminological Growth.

  • Rosemarie Gläser Dresden, Germany


This monograph was issued as Volume 5 in the series Terminology and Lexicography Research and Practice, edited by Marie-Claude L'Homme and Ulrich Heid and assisted by Juan C. Sager as Consulting Editor. The Japanese author, Kyo Kageura, does research work at the National Institute of Informatics in Tokyo. His theoretical background and methodological experience in term formation patterns and processes were influenced by intensive cooperation with European terminologists since the 1990s, notably the British linguists Juan C. Sager (Manchester, UMIST) and Yorick Wilks (Sheffield), and R. Harald Baayan in the Netherlands.
How to Cite
Gläser, R. (2004). Kyo Kageura. The Dynamics of Terminology: A Descriptive Theory of Term Formation and Terminological Growth. Lexikos, 14.
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