A New English–Arabic Parallel Text Corpus for Lexicographic Applications
Abstract: Bilingual lexicographers, translation specialists and English teachers in the Arabworld do not have access to computerized corpora of parallel texts for the English–Arabic languagepair. This project has been carried out to meet this requirement by establishing the first generalparallel corpus of English texts and their Arabic translations. The first phase of the project involvedthe selection of general source texts having appropriate lexical and stylistic features. The chosensource texts deal with a variety of topics such as the environment, globalization, psychology, history,politics, drama, etc. Their Arabic translations were taken from The World of Knowledge seriespublished by the National Council for Culture, Arts and Letters (NCCAL) in Kuwait. Keywords: PARALLEL CORPUS, LEXICOGRAPHY, TRANSLATION, BILINGUAL DICTIONARY,COLLOCATIONS, ALIGNMENT, SYNONYMS, DERIVATIVES, ANTONYMS, GLOSSARY,FREQUENCY Opsomming: 'n Nuwe Engels–Arabiese parallelletekskorpus vir leksikografiesetoepassings Tweetalige leksikograwe, vertaalkundiges en Engelsonderwysers in dieArabiese wêreld het nie toegang tot gerekenariseerde korpusse van parallelle tekste vir die Engels–Arabiese taalpaar nie. Hierdie projek is onderneem om in dié behoefte te voorsien deur die eerstealgemene parallelle korpus van Engelse tekste en hul Arabiese vertalings tot stand te bring. Dieeerste fase van die projek het die keuse van algemene brontekste behels wat geskikte leksikale enstilistiese eienskappe besit. Die gekose brontekste handel oor 'n verskeidenheid onderwerpe soosdie omgewing, globalisering, psigologie, geskiedenis, politiek, drama, ens. Hul Arabiese vertalingsis geneem uit The World of Knowledge-reeks gepubliseer deur die National Council for Culture, Artsand Letters (NCCAL) in Koeweit. Sleutelwoorde: PARALLELLE KORPUS, LEKSIKOGRAFIE, VERTALING, TWEETALIGEWOORDEBOEK, KOLLOKASIES, OOREENSTEMMING, SINONIEME, AFLEIDINGS, ANTONIEME,GLOSSARIUM, FREKWENSIECopyright of all material published in Lexikos will be vested in the Board of Directors of the Woordeboek van die Afrikaanse Taal. Authors are free, however, to use their material elsewhere provided that Lexikos (AFRILEX Series) is acknowledged as the original publication source.
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