Ensiklopedisiteit in die Woordeboek van die Afrikaanse Taal: 'n "Saak" van balans
Opsomming: Die Woordeboek van die Afrikaanse Taal (voortaan WAT) het vanaf die negende deel wegbeweeg van 'n meer ensiklopediese aanbod van inligting. Hiervoor het die woordeboek heelwat lof van teoretici ontvang. Die mening is egter ook uitgespreek dat die WAT wat leksiko-grafiese funksie betref meer op die kognitiewe funksies, wat veral ensiklopediese inligting behels, moet konsentreer. In reaksie hierop word daar probeer om vas te stel of die WAT vanaf die negen-de deel 'n balans gevind het tussen ensiklopediese en semantiese inligting. Vir hierdie doel word daar gefokus op Wiegand se sienings rondom die hantering van ensiklopediese inligting in verkla-rende woordeboeke asook die meer tradisionele beginsel van komponentontleding. Sleutelwoorde: ENSIKLOPEDIESE INLIGTING, KOGNITIEWE FUNKSIE, KOMMUNI-KATIEWE FUNKSIE, KOMPONENTONTLEDING, LEKSIKOGRAFIESE FUNKSIE, POLIFUNK-SIONEEL, SEMANTIESE INLIGTING Abstract: From the ninth volume, the Woordeboek van die Afrikaanse Taal (henceforth WAT) moved away from a more encyclopaedic presentation of information. Theorists reacted positively to this change of direc-tion. The opinion was, however, also expressed that the WAT, as far as lexicographic function is concerned, should concentrate more on cognitive functions, which include especially encyclopaedic information. In re-sponse to this opinion, an effort is made to establish whether the WAT has from volume nine succeeded in finding a balance between encyclopaedic and semantic information. For this purpose the focus is on Wie-gand's views on the presentation of encyclopaedic information in explanatory dictionaries as well as the more traditional principle of component analysis. Keywords: COGNITIVE FUNCTION, COMMUNICATIVE FUNCTION, COMPONENT ANALYSIS, ENCYCLOPAEDIC INFORMATION, LEXICOGRAPHIC FUNCTION, POLIFUNC-TIONAL, SEMANTIC INFORMATIONCopyright of all material published in Lexikos will be vested in the Board of Directors of the Woordeboek van die Afrikaanse Taal. Authors are free, however, to use their material elsewhere provided that Lexikos (AFRILEX Series) is acknowledged as the original publication source.
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