Ingrid Lemberg, Bernhard Schröder and Angelika Storrer (Editors). Chancen und Perspektiven computergestützter Lexikographie

  • Michael Klotz Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Erlangen


The present volume is a collection of thirteen papers resulting from a sympo-sium on the computer-aided production and publication of dictionaries held in Heidelberg in 1988 (p. 4). It is subdivided into two sections, Basics (Grundlagen), which discusses the impact of computational methods on lexicography in gen-eral, and Applications (Anwendungen), which contains descriptions of various existing computer-aided lexicographical projects. All of these projects deal with German as the object of lexicographical description and many of them are con-cerned with specialized scholarly dictionaries, often of historical stages of Ger-man. Thus two articles (Burch and Fournier; Plate and Recker) deal with Mid-dle High German and another one (Gloning and Welter) with the language of Goethe. Some articles, however, also describe projects dealing with present-day German and the design of general purpose dictionaries. Thus Petelenz dis-cusses information design in an electronic Polish–German dictionary and Haß-Zumkehr focuses on the organisation of the microstructure in the LEKSIS-data-base of the Institut für Deutsche Sprache in Mannheim.
How to Cite
Klotz, M. (2005). Ingrid Lemberg, Bernhard Schröder and Angelika Storrer (Editors). Chancen und Perspektiven computergestützter Lexikographie. Lexikos, 15.